Saturday, March 23, 2013

March 2013

 Maggie in the outfit that Sasha and Thunder picked out for her for Christmas.  So cute.
 This expression totally reminds me of cousin Emily.  So spunky!!
 Trying to take a pic of her curls.  So cute.
 The purple smock Granny found for Maggie at the consignment sale.  Looks like it will fit next Fall as well.  Plus, the next girl will be able to wear it too.  :)
Daddy reading Maggie a book.  Her favorite, Dora.  One of her first words so far.  This is the book James got for her.
Talking on the phone like Daddy.  So cute.

 Finally able to go on the deck a little bit.  No ice on the first 18 inches.  You can see how much snow we still have.  There is about a foot or so.  Can't wait until its warm enough to let her play out there.  It was about 30 today, but looking forward to low 40's next week.  Yay!!
 21 weeks.  It's going by fast.  We saw the little one yesterday and its a girl.  So excited for Maggie to have a little sister.
Looks like I'm going to be slim like with James' pregnancy.  It will be interesting to compare the belly casts after I have all three done.  :)


  1. SOOOOOOO adorable!!!!! Both of you!!! I LOVE LOVE LOVE you and your adorable family♥♥♥

  2. Thanks Sandra!! Love you too!!
